Survey & Permitting

Get Your Sign Permits with Red Hot Signs San Antonio, TX

At Red Hot Signs in San Antonio, TX, we make sure your project has the right sign permits so it follows state and local rules. Our experienced permit managers handle the whole process, from applying for permits to final inspections.

How We Help with Sign Permits

We have a lot of experience getting variance request approved. This helps you get the most out of your sign’s size and height. We also have a Texas Master Sign Electrician contractor’s license, which is needed for sign permitting, making, and installing electrical signs.

Where Permitting Fits in the Sign Creation Process

First, we check the city or town’s codes where the sign will go. This tells us what the city allows. After the customer and, if needed, the landlord approve the design, we start the permitting process.

Sometimes, permit applications need stamped engineering. We can get that done if required. We even get engineering done sometimes for overhead or tall signs for extra safety that’s not required.

Contact Us to Start Your Sign Project

Reach out to us to get help with your sign permits. We can handle everything to make sure your signs follow all the rules.

Why Permits Matter

Laws and regulations control what signs you can put up and where. For example, traffic signs on private property open to the public must meet specific rules. If your business has a parking lot, it’s important to have the right signs that follow the codes.

At Red Hot Signs, we make sure your signs are up-to-date and meet all local laws. Our specialists do accurate surveys and get the permits you need, so you can focus on running your business.

Who Needs to Follow Local Laws?

  • Hotels
  • Apartment complexes
  • Hospitals
  • Shopping centers
  • Restaurants

If your property doesn’t have the right signs and an accident happens, you could be held responsible. Our team at Red Hot Signs knows how to get the correct permits.

More Than Just Permitting

We also offer:

  • Content Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Installation
  • Project Management

What is Sign Surveying and Permitting?

Sign surveying and permitting involve finding the best spot for your sign, and getting accurate measurements. checking local rules, and getting the necessary permits to make sure your sign meets all city codes.

Why Do You Need a Permit for Your Sign?

Most cities require permits for exterior signs because they affect public safety and how things look. Permitting ensures your sign follows all the rules about size, location, lighting, and more, preventing legal problems later.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Permit?

The time it takes to get a sign permit can vary based on local requirements. It might take a few days or several weeks. Our team has even been know to accompany clients to town hall meeting for clarification and or variance’s, we works hard with local authorities to speed up this process.

We Meet All Your Signage Needs

Whether you need a custom design, installation, or maintenance for your signs, Red Hot Signs in San Antonio, TX has the skills and resources to help. Each project needs careful planning, and we offer comprehensive survey permitting to ensure your signs meet all local rules. Let our team guide you through every step of your signage project.

You can rest easy knowing that our team will help you navigate every element of your signage project.

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